13 Mar2018
Mandarin Certificate Awarding Ceremony
Written by Nornashua Farhani Binti Abdul Ghaffar. Posted in Activities 2018
23 February 2018 – Mandarin Language and Culture Centre (MLCC) had organised a Mandarin Certificate Awarding Ceremony last Friday afternoon. The ceremony was held at the Astaka, Universiti Malaysia Pahang (UMP) Gambang campus. Professor Dato’ Sri Ts. Dr. Daing Nasir Ibrahim (UMP Vice Chancellor) presented the certificates to 26 participants who had successfully completed Mandarin courses from November to December 2017. The certificates of the Mandarin courses were Mandarin 1, Mandarin 2, Mandarin 3, Hanzi 2, Chinese Arts and HSK certificates.
The Director of Mandarin Language and Culture Centre (MLCC), Ms. Yong Ying Mei awarded 14 students for passing the Mandarin Chinese Proficiency Test (HSK Test) for December 2017 session after successfully completing the intermediate level the previous year. Nur Syaheera Binti Sulaiman was conferred with HSK 3 certificate scoring 299/300 as an outstanding achievement. In the welcoming speech, Ms. Yong told that MLCC open Mandarin 1 for kids in December 2017 during school holidays. She praised and encouraged the participants to keep using the language even after having completed the course. Apart from that, she also expressed her appreciation to Mandarin language teachers in teaching Mandarin courses.
Also present were Professor Madya Dr Muhammad Nubli Bin Abdul Wahab, (Dean of Centre for Modern Languages and Human Sciences), Madam Kang Mei Feng, Ms. Hooi Yan Yee, Mr. Tan Wai Chung, Ms. Cai Haixia, Ms. Deng Xingmei, Ms. Jin Yongxin. Ms. Wang Xuemei (Mandarin teachers) and Madam Nornashua Farhani Binti Abdul Ghaffar Administrative Assistant).
By Hooi Yan Yee